
Year 5 - Miss Boe

Welcome to Year 5!
 On our Class Page, you will find lots of useful information for our class this year.  This is a very exciting year for us; we are the first ever Year 5 class at King Edwin Primary School! 
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch!
Staff working in Year 5:
Miss Boe
Mrs Poulton (Friday afternoons)
Mrs Jackson (Thursday afternoon - French)

Two reading books go home each week.  One is a home reader closely matched to your child's ability and the other is a library book chosen by your child. The library book is for sharing with a grown up and reading for pleasure. Please bring your reading and library book to school every day.
Learning Logs:
Learning Logs go home on a Friday and are returned to school on or before the following Thursday.
Spelling lists go home each half term and children are tested each Friday. 
Our PE days are:
Tuesday and Friday
Please come to school wearing your PE kit on a Tuesday and a Friday. 
Please remember to remove all jewelry on PE days. 
Please see the documents below for more information.