
Reception - Mrs Donaldson

Welcome to our Reception class page!
In Reception we love to learn! 
We share achievements and hard work with families using the Tapestry online learning journal. We hope our learning journeys will be supported at home and parents are encouraged to add information about home adventures and activities, as well as our learning log challenges, using the Tapestry app.  
Each week the children in Reception are asked to complete one learning log activity linked to our current topic. Children are also giving 'sharing stories' or reading books to practise their reading skills at home. We ask that children read for at least 5 minutes every day. We also send home information about the sounds and phonics work the children have completed in class during the week so this can be practised at home too!
We ask that reading books are brought into school to be changed every Monday and Friday.
We ask that learning log homework is uploaded to tapestry by a Monday morning.
Children are also invited to share information about their learning and any adventures from home on Tapestry as we love to share these in class!
Our Curriculum
Each half term we have a different topic that we focus our learning on. We follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum (Development Matters) and are working towards achieving the Early Learning Goals by the end of the year. 
We aim to follow the children's interests and adapt our planning and learning to ensure the children are engaged and interested in their learning.  
Spring 2
Our topic this half term asks the question 'How does your garden grow?'  We will be looking at lots of different plants and finding out how they grow and how we can help to care for them.  
Reading books will be changed every Monday and Friday.
Our PE days this half term are Tuesday and Thursday.  
Autumn 2
Our topic for this half term is 'What happens when I fall asleep?'
In this topic we will look at the night sky, nocturnal animals and different festivals and celebrations that happen at this time of year.
Our PE days will continue to be a Tuesday and a Thursday.
Reading books will continue to be changed on a Monday and Friday
Autumn 1
In Autumn 1 our topic title is 'What makes me special?'
This half term our PE days are on a Tuesday and Thursday.  
Sharing stories will be sent home regularly, we ask for these to be brought back to school every Monday and Friday to be changed.